Author: simplicitylabs

6 Awesome Tips About Money Earn From Unlikely Sources

I love the my play home arrangement and I have them all and I have some suggestions.1)You ought to have a shopping center game where you could get your ears pierced(even the young men) and get gadgets and different things like that.You ought to have a game where you can go to an air terminal and go in a plane and pick where you need to proceed to get away and go to an inn. You ought to have more houses and apartments.4)You ought to have the option to drive a vehicle or utilize open transportation.5)You ought to have the option to grow up and get hitched and have youngsters and name them.6)You ought to have the option to find a new line of work (ie. vocalist, instructor, entertainer/actress,doctor, dental specialist craftsman picture taker ect.)and procure money.7)There ought to be a medical clinic a specialists office a dental specialist office an open pool and stuff like that.8)The characters ought to have the option to make plans and workmanship undertakings and wear makeup.9)There ought to be more schools not simply rudimentary school,college children can remain in residences and the school lunch menu should change each day.10)You ought to have the option to name all the characters and make them talk. I love my play home!!!!” “My PlayHome Stores is an extraordinary extra application to the house! money earn app Earn Money at Home: Appstore for Android

 I love the store where you can buy more nourishment for the kitchen. At the point when you get the opportunity to blend and match the characters attire, you truly feel like you are playing with genuine dolls! Simply the methodology that the game maker needed! I do have a couple of proposals for this application. There could be more outfits, a childcare for the kids, and an appropriation community for family pets. With these little, however effective changes, My PlayHome Stores is the perfect first extra store application to the first house, My PlayHome! – The Secretary” “I love this game when I originally got it, yet realize its kinda exhausting to do very similar things. The thought for the play area for the school was exactly what I needed yet when I saw, well there isn’t unreasonably a lot. So I have thoughts for every one of the three games. For the home include more houses for the other family include various rooms like visitor rooms and others. money earning application


For stores you should include pet store I needed that since the time I saw that feline in the window ledge for pets possibly include that you can cause them to follow a certain charactors or include rope foo at whatever point you drag the individual holding the rope the pets moves.I love that there is one cost (no in-app upgrades needed) and that the three apps connect seamlessly with each other. In term of creativity, my kids have been playing pretend and role playing with this for years. Kudos to the designers.One recent suggestion from the youngest is for a Post Office.  She suggests buying stamps, stamping letters, mailing them, checking the PO Box and being able to read a letter honest money earning app

Take Advantage Of Easy Money Earning – Read These 9 Tips

I recall when I initially observed nipsey in 2008 when I graduated secondary school , something about him stuck out however I tuned in to rap constantly yet I never tune in to nipsey!! In any case, when I did , it was educational and genuine to hear something so extraordinary and crude however genuine!! He didn’t come Thank you for all that you accomplished for us SHAWBABY… #LONGLIVENIP ❤️💙🕊🙏🏼 Never in my 14 years in life have I at any point met Nipsey, I was anticipating meeting my saint and seeing his experience of accomplishment from officials letting him know and his team that on the off chance that they don’t set up a business with their shirt selling and items they would have been captured. It’s only a supernatural occurrence to me. I love Nipsey. I’m burnt out on my kin censuring the white men for us executing each other when we realize we are deliberately slaughtering one another. It’s genuine cold world over here. The long distance race proceeds money earn app 

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Nipsey you will be missed!♿️💙🙏🏽😭🥺out with much music than yet he began flying back in on 2016 on a narrative then Grammys !! To watch somebody buckle down it’s amazing!hes I know these are huge solicitations and you may have another application really taking shape yet in the event that you could do only one of these I would excessively appreciative simply continue making increasingly magnificent games this way and I’ll be absolutely Could you possibly include youngsters and have more individuals in the family and perhaps a water park or open pool and bathing suits. Possibly more creatures and a vet office and pet store with food, toys, and so forth. 


satisfied”irreplaceable ! At that point he comes out with this extraordinary application that you can use from various perspectives to increase a ton of access to music and garments long live “ascending of god” RIP NH  money earning application


“Yet, at whatever point You go to Run 🏃 it under IOS 10. You will get a Pop up Box 📦 that says.This App is Outdated and may hinder Your Phone 📱.And that it should be Updated. Likewise to all the various Toggles in it from the Save Location, Fire 🔥 just Mode, Address stamps, and Twitter and Facebook switches won’t Work anymore.Other that that it is a great Sniper Rifle or Camera 🎥 Simulation. You can in any case pick You Scope Rectangles and Zoom settings thou.Plus the Night Vision and Silencer modes despite everything Work to.” “These games are a portion of my preferred I simply think there could be a few upgrades honest money earning app

Elements of Good advertising ad agency

Here we will discuss top traits of a successful advertising agency one by one. These traits or characteristics are must to have points which keeps an agency going in the right direction without any doubt. The role of a fine ad agency is to build cohesive and effective brands, brings customers close to client’s product and helps them drive sales through real positive awareness. Just not promising but also you have to do it and stand out of competition by following given simple points or having just a glance over that can fit something useful in your mind about how to operate an ad agency into the successful direction. Advertising agencies in Bangalore mainly posses all these qualities and are self sufficient also. You can’t run an organisation properly which lacks in proper communication. Here communication means good communication with your clients as well as your employees. Developing a medium for healthy communication and relation is important for easy conversation. There should not be difficulty while going on important deals and contract or any query or any type of business communication. Dealing with healthy communication establishes personal relations also which is absolutely great for future of agency money earn app

Cartoon businessman carrying big money bag Clipart Image

One hundred percent success of any enterprise comes only when the staffs are coordinating. Staff and their work means a lot to organisation, getting work done properly there must be healthy relation should be established, accurate salary, proper working environment, rights to take initiatives are all some important points. Your staff should be of cooperating nature, work well together, understand each other roles, and should be able to rely on each other. Staffs should be selected very wisely because all work done depends on their professionalism and talent and if they are particularly not expertise at their field then you may lose clients due to lack of specialisation which is required in this field. Here at advertising agency you require almost expertise person in every field  money earning application 

Business is not roses of bed. Every single day you have to exercise your mind to get your business better. Every single day owner has to see new issues, new difficulties and new challenges so it’s just not possible to say stay away or hide yourself or run away or just ignore these lines make you loser and you can’t really stay away you have to face difficulties and  find the way to solve it as soon as possible. It is important to recognise and address the problem  honest money earning app

How to make users download and review your app

When people look for an app, they see its rating and user reviews. So you should improve your app rating first. The basic step is to improve your app’s content and also work on its design. People want to use an app that is user friendly and which also looks trendy and professional. 

After this basic requirement is ensured, the next thing to do is market your app. A good marketing strategy can work wonders. It improves your brand name and influenced people to download your app. 

If you want to improve your rating and review, you can hire freelancers. These freelancers can write good reviews and provide good ratings for your app. This will help to increase your app’s visibility in the app store. Once your app starts getting good ratings, it will move up the app chart and then more people will download your app. 

You can also add offers and cashbacks on your product. People are always fascinated by prizes and putting those in your app can do wonders. Cashback on few websites and discount coupons on popular services can be put. 

Now once your app has been installed, the next thing you want is for people to review your app. Here Is how you can do that. 


Collection of photos, videos, and the most appropriate screenshots save the game. The features of your best app store optimization must clearly be depicted by the images and the screenshots. Well, suggested the most is, don’t let your users work their brains while analyzing your app. Do the greater part of that in the presentation arena.

Social media

Okay, aside from being attitudinally complex, social media ads are similar. The App and its related content will be specifically maintained. The app developers are supposed to have a wise choice of the social media channels and a smart advertisement perspective. Platforms such as Facebook, twitter , and youTube could certainly help. Okay, get your fans directly engaged with your app via the social media channels.

To a whole lot of you this new process can be complicated. But don’t think anymore. There are several innovative app optimization services that devote themselves to making this horrific process simpler for you. For small companies, it is best to approach these app store optimisation agencies and have them develop marketing strategies for you. There are many app store optimization companies in Bangalore and other metro cities who are working extremely well in helping clients to develop marketing solutions.

Advantages of Branding

A client is if unknown to the fact that actually brand is really a boon for any business then he should obviously be aware of that, branding is a boon with uncountable advantages and he/she can do branding of his/her product himself or hire any branding agency to do for him/her. Below given are some advantages or benefits of branding-

  • Larger profit share

This is true that whenever your company becomes big brand they can charge any prices which they like. It becomes easy for them to reap higher prices with more profit margins and it’s not like people will not pay, those who appreciate come and get whatever they want at any price.

  • Loyalty and quality

Brand somehow imposes liabilities on firm and restricts them to perform only better day by day and with the best performance you create world class products and make more reliable and loyal customers who always prefer you no matter what and because of this you are forced to produce quality products. Quality means more recommendations given by your past customers to every prospective customer which means more market more reputation.

  • Lesser vulnerability to crises as well as competition existence

When you become big brand, your brand becomes more powerful than ever it was before and with this power you are no more afraid of any changes because you are able to make flexible changes.  Any sudden challenge won’t easily affect your firm like government policies or tight competition etc. because what you have got is priceless i.e. is winning heart of your target audience; they know you, praise you and are bounded and loyal with their favourite brand.

  • Improved image

When a product is launched in the market with no brand identity that product is treated as a scrap piece where people don’t give any value to it and treat it like anything. Brand somehow manages to clear that direfull   image and settle it with more clear perception. It creates an image, establishes a face or you can say creates a desired reputation which is respected.

A brand consist of-

A branding agency should pay attention towards key components of the brands and it is its product packaging, website, its logo, related advertisements and competitors. Brand equity is created by branding elements, promotional and marketing activities like advertisements and meaning transference these are the main drivers of brand equity. 

Brand elements includes

Brand personality- humour it talks about nature of our brand like it should be funny or serious or magical or idiot or smart or talkative or angry or professional etc.

Brand association- uniforms, USP, equipments, colours, fonts, taglines, images etc.

Brand word of mouth- what this particular brand is supposed to serve and which quality it talks about that.

Brands identity-  its name which is very important like name, its logo or icon or tagline etc.

Those details look like simple concepts which a app store optimisation agency has to understand deeply, ask client’s issue and find solutions. A brand agency is not only to do work at present but also after the contract is over. A good branding agency is supposed to assist its clients at the time of need anywhere.  

So you’re going to be a new entrepreneur and launch a aso services company in Bangalore, so you should be familiar with all the brand and branding-related factual information. Your aso services strategy is expected to be effective when you are well aware of all the main branding components.

What is Conversion Rate and What is a Good Conversion Rate?

Conversion Rate of a mobile app whether android or iOS is the total number of apps that are successfully converted to a premium app. Let us understand this. When people download an app, they normally install a trail version of app, which has a usage period of 2-4 weeks. Now after the user time ends, either people stop using the app or they purchase the app if it is found to be extremely useful or of purpose. This conversion of free services to paid services is called Conversion Rate money earn apps. 

30 Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2020 - Earn Extra Cash

The answer can be found from statistics. As per 2017, the average conversion of mobile apps (both Android and iOS platform) is somewhere around 1-1.25%. This might seem less but this is how the figure stands and this is acceptable too. Getting users to pay for an app is a pretty tough task and requires an extremely good product and an even better advertising policy. Now, any conversion above 1.5% is considered as a good conversion rate. Let’s break our statistics into further segments.
The conversion rate of gaming apps is the highest and can reach upto 10%. Mobile Games are quite addictive and by following a well defined marketing plan, app developers successfully influence people to pay for its services. One example can be an online Snooker Game. The game might initially offer free sticks and game stations but as you level up, it might offer better sticks and services if you purchase them. Now, with the number of active gamers around 1 million, you can expect more than 40% of your users to pay for these additional features. Things are pretty tough for word editors and note making apps. There are a lot of competitors who are willing to offer free services just to win an edge in the competition and therefore a conversion of even 0.5% is considered to be good. Overall, for any app, a conversion of more then 1.5% can be considered as a win-win scenario. Maximizing app conversion is a tricky business. There are a lot of things which can help you or might cause a mishap while you are aiming for a better conversion. Let’s breakdown the process here.

A good app content is the first thing to ensure. As long your app does not have anything good to offer, no one is going to purchase your app. If it’s a gaming app, you need to work on missions and visuals, but if it’s some other domain, say a self help app, then you need to improve the quality of your content. A change in the delivery medium can also do wonders. Introducing interactive animated videos then cliché notes can prove to be a game changer. A reasonable price is the next thing to be taken care of. Too much of cost and your app might not get downloads and a low price may cost you cutting in profits. You should access your app according to the features that you offer and on the market and the competition money earning application. 

Tips to make your app have a brand identity

There are more than 4.5 million apps in the app stores(both Play Store and iOS store combined) and there has been an increase in no of app store optimization agencies. App marketing has become a trend globally. So In India, app optimization services are doing great and providing decent user base to every new app or existing apps to make their brand memorable.

A good start-up needs talent, infrastructure, and culture of start-up, businesses, and access to customers, technology, and environment of investment and Bangalore is enriched with that all. If you are opening a aso services company it will be a boon for your firm because all necessities are already here to contribute towards your firm.

Tips to create a brand identity

  • identify your audience-

It will be actually profitable if you know your audience. Through this way you can create an icon according to the people with whom you want to do business and apply correct language to your marketing skills. This will focus the target audience.

  • Consistency

A brand should always be consistent. Develop app guidelines to keep consistency. It makes brand identity more strong and reputable. 

  • Analyze the competition

You need to analyze and scrutinize the competition in a better way to make it different and much better in comparison to others to have advantage over others. It makes your brand more unique, different and separates itself from heavy competition.

  • Be authentic

Try to reveal only what you are don’t filter your client’s company. Show only what you do don’t exaggerate it decreases the value of company if you do fake promises. Believe what your write and what you put there create your loyal customers. Do it thinking on long term not short term benefits with false statements as these things don’t run for long.

  • Relatable

Brand should be something like people can relate itself from it and feel like its own. Bring some personal touches to your brand which connects customers to client’s brand easily and in a positive manner. Relatable things become more famous and households sooner or later.

  • Create a website

It helps brand boosting as people will be able to find your brand anywhere and collect required information and get to know about what product does it offer. There are millions of options through which you can create website and make changes whenever you want. Websites are helpful indeed because when customers want to get some info. They need a place and when they don’t get they get annoyed easily. It makes you more professional.

  • Hire professionals

Branding agencies work for better it means that your organisation works for better results of clients. For this you should hire professionals who are expert in this particular field and knowhow of this field in order to provide best results and gaining future customers. They know this industry in a much better way.

App Installs Criteria

Essential criteria for android app downloads

Android smartphones are the market leaders today. Anywhere you go, you will come up with people using an android phone. The wide spread use of android smartphones over any other platform is due to various factors. The comparatively lower price of smartphones and the presence of a large number of features in smartphones give them android phones an edge over iOS. But what clears sets the gap is the presence of an ever increasing number of apps. 

Play Store

The Google Play store provides with a large number of apps. From games to banking solutions, from hotels to bus bookings; there is an app for your every requirement. The number of options you get in Android over a same app is tremendous and is something that neither windows or iOS is offering today. Apart from that, you get regular real time updates and frequent real time app security checks optimized for your android device. This ensures that whatever app you use is never unstable in your system. 

Now, before you download any app, you should ensure the following things. 

No third party apps

Make sure that whenever you download a new app, it is from the google play store. The play store is a genuine app market where you get all officially listed app. Any other source apart from the Play Store is regarded as a third party source. Now, you might easily find these third party apps and might install them too. What’s the difference? There are few. There are greater risks involved with third party apps. These apps are generally posted in unfamiliar websites and are generally loaded with keygen and other viruses. These apps when installed infects your system and sends all your data to third party sources. This is particularly dangerous when you use the infected app for payments. They tend to collect your card details and other sensitive information, which can be fatal later on. Apart from that, most of these third party apps are not listed in Play Store and there is no proof of originality of these apps. 


The advantage of using Play Store to download app is that you get a lot of options to choose from. The services that an app that is giving you but for a charge might be available in some other app, without any fee. In simple language, say an app is allowing you to take notes but is charging 20 rs for a month use. But if you look around, you might find an app which can give you all the features that you need and that too for free. Plus there are many apps which claim to give professional services for a cost but when you pay the amount, you get none of the facilities mentioned. Therefore, one should be careful while selecting the premium apps. 


Most apps generally have access to all your media, contact number and even your bank details. In such a sensitive environment, it is better to install only those apps which are genuine and are not a threat to your privacy. Be careful on what permissions your app is asking. The real threat again is while installing apps from third party sources. These apps get full access in your system and if not properly checked can lead to catastrophic situations. 

App Size

This is again one of the most looked for criteria while downloading an app. Many apps today are large in size due to which there always is an storage crisis. To kee this sorted, choose your apps wisely. Consider the features that you want and look for app sizes. If found favourable, you can install the app. Large size apps reduce your system potential and also slows it up. Therefore, be considerate while installing an app. 

Battery Issues

Many apps are not specific phone compatible. It might be due to hardware or because of the system build that you are using, It is generally found that some apps are not android version compatible. In other words, if you install an app which are made for Android 6 in an Android 3 system, then your device may start crashing and there rises a problem with your battery. You will find that your device is discharging faster and the battery life is getting substantially decreased. 

Android offers a lot of app to download. You may find it tempting to try each and every app. But this should be avoided. Be considerate and research your app before downloading one. A simple app is enough to create problems for you and so they should be dealt with caution.   

Are you a developer? 

If you are a developer, then you should know what factors are looked up by the customers before they download any app. The above points clearly mentions the factors that should be taken care of. Keeping these in mind, you should develop your marketing plan in order to attract more potential users. 

The quality of the app is the determining factor, so care should be taken to remove any glitches or flaws present in the system. 

Where to seek help? Are you worried about your marketing needs? No more worries now! This process can be complicating to a whole lot of you. Not to worry anymore. There are a lot of app store optimization agencies who are dedicated to make this gruesome process easier for you. For small businesses, it is ideal to contact these firms and let them develop marketing strategies for you. There are many best app store optimization services in Bangalore and other metro cities who are working extremely well in helping clients to develop marketing solutions. These companies cater to all your app requirements and can help you to gain steadily in the app business. They provide you with innovative aso services strategy and marketing plans to help you increase your app downloads and earn more. Every developer needs a marketing team but getting one is extremely tough. But now there are many options to choose from and each one is competitive and well performing. Thanks to the over whelming competition. What are you waiting for then. Get, Set, Code!

80 Best Ways To Sell App Store Optimization Analyzer

Our notes can be some of our most private possessions. This is an app to make sure you will have them for the long run, all to yourself. No other app is as dedicated to this mission, and for that reason Standard Notes will always have my vote <3 Going on a year of using this app / following the Standard Notes project. Pro is definitely the way to go, due to the seamless sync features and elegant formatting options app store optimization analyzer.

 The format and intention of this app is to be clean, simple, and FAST. Without pro, it’s like working in “notepad” on pc – pro has options for markdown / code / tons of others, and they work great! As far as developers go, Mobitar is one of the most committed and hard working developers that the world is lucky to have. I highly recommend looking through the website and getting the background and commitments made by this platform and it’s developer. 100% top notch app – would recommend to everyone and their mom/dad/grandma/tortoise/etc. I don’t usually review apps. In fact, this is my first time ever leaving a review without being prompted to. I just think this is such a great app, and I want everyone to know how awesome it is. It’s the best free encrypted note taking app I’ve found. 

It’s clean, simple, and -most importantly- secure. Definitely a 5/5 star app, ESPECIALLY considering that it’s completely free to use, aside from additional themes and editors that are available to subscribed users. I’m very greatful to the creators of Standard Notes for giving me a free, safe place to write things down. If you’re looking for a simple encrypted app to store important information, ideas, thoughts, etc., then this is the app for you. The app works as described: it’s useful, simple, solid, extensible/customizable, secure, user-friendly, clean looking, and fun. Think, perhaps, of the cleanness and exportability of Simplenote/Bear + web access + rock-solid stability + unimpeachable security. (Plus more.)

 Also the developer is patient, friendly, and incredibly helpful. I had a non-app, non-workflow related problem related to registration/billing that developer helped me solve through a string of direct, prompt, friendly, and helpful emails over the course of a month. Now more than ever are security and privacy important. Now more than ever are apps most useful when they are simple, extensible, and allow for transparent data export. And the pricing model is transparent, fair, reasonable, and seemingly sustainable. Now more than ever should we support apps like this.

I have been searching for the perfect note taking app for many years. I tried them all, Evernote, Simple Note, Workflowy, Bear Notes, Apples Notes, OneNote, Google Keep and so on. All of them had a critical flaw that would prevent me from using it long term and the search continued. I narrowed down my five priorities for what I wanted to see from a note taking service:

Income growth and share .. facts about the “1%”

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) regularly publishes analyses of the distribution of federal taxes and household income.  The most recent release provides extensive data on both taxation and household income for the years 1979 – 2009.  The three graphs below display:

  • Increase in after tax income
  • Change in share of after tax income
  • Change in share: total federal taxes vs. after tax income 

In all three cases, the data is demarcated by quintiles, 81st – 90th percentiles, 91st – 95th percentiles, 96th – 99th percentiles and top 1%.

As the historical record shows, households at the highest income levels far outpaced all other categories in income growth.  The top 1% experienced a 155% increase in after tax income over the period 1979 – 2009.

Here again, as the historical record shows, households at the highest income levels all increased their share of after tax income. All quintiles but the highest experienced a reduction in share. The top 1% experienced a 55% increase in their share after tax income over the period 1979 – 2009.

In contrast to the vast majority of households, High earners experienced a growing share of total federal taxes .. at the same time, their share of after tax income substantially increased  over the period 1979 – 2009 in comparison to the vast majority of Americans.

In Table 1, the CBO Report shows that average total effective tax rates ( income taxes, as well as payroll taxes, taxes on investments and other taxes), have fallen over the past 30 years for all groups. So they are paying less tax on each dollar they earn. For the wealthy households, rates have fallen more slowly; by 14% for the top quintile and 18% for the top 1% high earners. At the same time, the third graph above shows that these two high earner households paid an increased share of all federal taxes (not just income taxes) between 1979 and 2009; a 23% increase for the top quintile and 57% for the top 1%. So the high earners are paying a greater share of federal taxes than they used to. But also at the same, incomes have increased far more quickly for these folks .. 73% for the top quintile and 155% for the top 1%. And, in marked contrast to to bottom 80% .. who lost considerable income share .. the wealthy increased their share. Thus, as the data shows, the wealthy are paying a greater share of federal taxes even though they are paying less tax on each dollar earned .. due to the fact that they are making far more dollars than they used to.