I love the my play home arrangement and I have them all and I have some suggestions.1)You ought to have a shopping center game where you could get your ears pierced(even the young men) and get gadgets and different things like that.You ought to have a game where you can go to an air terminal and go in a plane and pick where you need to proceed to get away and go to an inn. You ought to have more houses and apartments.4)You ought to have the option to drive a vehicle or utilize open transportation.5)You ought to have the option to grow up and get hitched and have youngsters and name them.6)You ought to have the option to find a new line of work (ie. vocalist, instructor, entertainer/actress,doctor, dental specialist craftsman picture taker ect.)and procure money.7)There ought to be a medical clinic a specialists office a dental specialist office an open pool and stuff like that.8)The characters ought to have the option to make plans and workmanship undertakings and wear makeup.9)There ought to be more schools not simply rudimentary school,college children can remain in residences and the school lunch menu should change each day.10)You ought to have the option to name all the characters and make them talk. I love my play home!!!!” “My PlayHome Stores is an extraordinary extra application to the house! money earn app
I love the store where you can buy more nourishment for the kitchen. At the point when you get the opportunity to blend and match the characters attire, you truly feel like you are playing with genuine dolls! Simply the methodology that the game maker needed! I do have a couple of proposals for this application. There could be more outfits, a childcare for the kids, and an appropriation community for family pets. With these little, however effective changes, My PlayHome Stores is the perfect first extra store application to the first house, My PlayHome! – The Secretary” “I love this game when I originally got it, yet realize its kinda exhausting to do very similar things. The thought for the play area for the school was exactly what I needed yet when I saw, well there isn’t unreasonably a lot. So I have thoughts for every one of the three games. For the home include more houses for the other family include various rooms like visitor rooms and others. money earning application
For stores you should include pet store I needed that since the time I saw that feline in the window ledge for pets possibly include that you can cause them to follow a certain charactors or include rope foo at whatever point you drag the individual holding the rope the pets moves.I love that there is one cost (no in-app upgrades needed) and that the three apps connect seamlessly with each other. In term of creativity, my kids have been playing pretend and role playing with this for years. Kudos to the designers.One recent suggestion from the youngest is for a Post Office. She suggests buying stamps, stamping letters, mailing them, checking the PO Box and being able to read a letter honest money earning app